
We act as property accountants for many of our clients, where we have provided advice on the various tax aspects, throughout the many highs and lows of the property market.
Our team has a wealth of tax and accounting knowledge together with the practical experience required to advise and act for our property clients, who typically require a mix of our services such as:
Compliance Services
- Capital Gains Tax computations (including under the 60 day rule for residential property sales).
- Assisting you to make your book-keeping system Making Tax Digital compliant.
- Preparation of annual rental accounts.
- Following HMRC rules for non-resident landlords.
- Stamp Duty Land Tax advice (maximising claims for exemptions and reliefs).
- Complying with ATED return submission requirements.
- Completion and submission to HMRC of business tax returns and/or self-assessment tax returns, claiming maximum tax relief under industry specific HMRC rules including, where eligible, capital allowances on integral features.
- Before submitting these tax returns to HMRC, taking out our Tax Investigation Service to mitigate the potential extra professional fees that would arise if HMRC open a tax enquiry into one of your tax returns. Key risk areas for such an enquiry in this sector:
- Claims for capital gains tax reliefs, exemptions or allowances,
- Capital v revenue deductions for building costs,
- VAT option to tax issues.
Outsourcing Services
- Establishing a making tax digital compliant book keeping system.
- Completing and submitting partially exempt or self-build DIY VAT returns to HMRC.
Advisory Services
- Structuring property ownership to minimise Inheritance Tax.
- Protecting business premises from the the risk of the trade getting into financial difficulties, through ownership within a parent company, personally or within a SSAS or SIPS pension.
- Owning residential property acquired on mortgage within a limited company structure, to maximise tax relief on mortgage interest.
- Assistance in raising mortgage finance, including optimising your business credit rating.
- Making principal private residence CGT (flipping) elections on your holiday or second home.
- Use of trusts and other tax planning to minimise capital gains tax.
- Making best use of VAT option to tax elections.
- Managing your wealth in a diversified manner.
- Valuing your business.
- Business exit planning, perhaps enabling you to retire early.
Our specialist Property Group includes representatives from across the firm and meets regularly to discuss current affairs impacting the sector and to ensure that our team are up to date with all of the legislative changes. The group also produces newsletters, offering discussion on current subjects within the industry.
Brief Guides:
Annual Tax on Enveloped Dwellings
Property Investment: Buy to Let
Property Investment Tax Aspects
Capital Gains Tax and The Family Home
Making Tax Digital: For Individuals
Tax for Non Resident Landlords
Get In Touch
Contact your local office to speak to one of our specialist property accountants and discover how we can add value to your business today!
Don’t forget, we also offer a free initial consultation for potential new clients.
Client Review
I have always found Whitings helpful, reliable, always willing to discuss problems and advise on the best procedure.