With 5 April fast approaching, you must ensure that you send your final Full Payment Submission (FPS) on or before your employee’s final pay day within the tax year, ensuring that you tick to confirm that this is the final submission for the year on your payroll software. If you forget to tick this box,…
All employers and employees currently paying the minimum contribution of 1% will have to factor contribution increases into their cashflow in order to meet the rise in the level of auto enrolment funding. From 6 April 2018 to 5 April 2019, the employer minimum contribution will increase to 2% with staff contribution equalling 3%.…
Effective from April 2018 the National Minimum Wage rates will be increasing again, as per the below figures: Workers aged 25 years or more: £7.83 per hour Workers aged 21 to 24 years: £7.38 per hour Workers aged 18 to 20 years: £5.90 per hour Workers aged under 18 (but above compulsory school age):…
There are a number of changes to be aware of on the company vehicle front. The first is that the diesel supplement (which not so long ago was due to be abolished) is to be increased from the current 3% to 4% from 6th April 2018. The supplement will apply to all diesel cars…
HMRC has updated the postal address for where to send grounds for appeal if you have not paid your PAYE and National Insurance contributions on time. The address that should now be used is: DM PAYE Late Payment Penalties HM Revenue and Customs BX9 1EW HMRC will charge penalties if more than one of…
View our latest information bulletin regarding Auto Enrolment including details on Contribution Phasing, What to pay and information on complying with the Pensions Regulator. Download Latest Auto Enrolment Leaflet For further information and guidance you can contact your usual Whiting and Partners representative or speak to our payroll department on 01353 662595 or by email…
For the first time, parents who are employed and have suffered the death of a child would receive statutory paid leave to grieve, under a new law being supported by the Government. Currently, employees have a day-one right to take a “reasonable” amount of time off work to deal with a family or dependant…
The Pensions Regulator have recently been working their way around the country, making spot checks to ensure employers are complying with Auto-enrolment duties. These help The Pensions Regulator understand any challenges employers are facing, and if they need to make any changes to their guidance. It also helps them identify employers who are failing…
Under pensions auto enrolment employers have to enrol qualifying employees into a workplace pension. Duties include paying contributions for the employee. The process of auto enrolment has been phased in from October 2012 when the largest employers had to comply with the rules. However the rules are set to change and new employers will…
The Pensions Regulator (TPR) has begun carrying out employer spot checks to make sure employers are complying with their automatic enrolment duties and that they are giving their staff the workplace pensions they’re entitled to. According to the TPR these inspections help them to understand any challenges employers are facing, and whether TPR need…