The Banks that like to say ‘No’: Raise finance through CrowdFunding instead. The green shoots have sprouted, the UK economy is on the rise and it’s never been a better time to start that expansion programme you were considering before the recession. However, you’ve seen your bank manager and they’ve DECLINED your funding application. All…
Love the Lorry: National lorry week (26-31 October). The Road Haulage Association is calling on all members all over the country to get involved with its national week-long awareness campaign to educate the British public about trucks and is inviting hauliers to sign up. The savvy haulier will be aware of recent changes to…
SME Cyber Security: £5k grants available. Small and micro-sized businesses can apply for government vouchers of up to £5,000 for specialist advice to boost their cyber security, and to protect new business ideas and intellectual property. The vouchers enable businesses to access services from the UK cyber security industry. This new scheme will also help…
October 2015: European Cyber Security Month. As we put more and more of our live online we all need to be conscious of the risk of cybercrime, a multi-billion dollar “industry” where you budding cyber criminal can simply buy an exploit from an online market place. We have recently see “improvements” to phishing email purporting…
Pay Suppliers Electronically: Beware fraudsters. Do you hold your suppliers bank details on file – one tactic recently used by fraudsters is to advise businesses of changes to a supplier’s bank details, they then wait until a genuine purchase invoice is paid. Unfortunately because the supplier’s bank details are compromised, the payment goes to the…
Pay Suppliers Electronically: Beware fraudsters. Do you hold your suppliers bank details on file – one tactic recently used by fraudsters is to advise businesses of changes to a supplier’s bank details, they then wait until a genuine purchase invoice is paid. Unfortunately because the supplier’s bank details are compromised, the payment goes to the…
Fenland Office: Plans announced to create ‘Centre of Excellence’. We are pleased to announce plans to create a newly constructed super-office on the southern edge of March. This will enable us to create, under one roof, the teams of specialist advisers that modern day clients require to service their compliance, out-sourcing and advisory requirements. Blog…
Start-ups: Make use of your spouse’s tax allowances. There are a lot of costs surrounding setting up your own business, so saving tax is a big concern for most clients. This can be done in a number of ways, through ensuring you are claiming all your business expenses. However there is also the consideration of…
Tax Dodgers Beware: HMRC makes record payments to informants. Our Fee Protection insurers report that HMRC made payments of £605,000 to informants in the year to March, up 50% on the previous year. Around 100,000 calls were made to HMRC’s confidential telephone hotline over the last year. Finding sufficient supporting information to justify following up…
QuickBooks Cloud: Invoice on the road. One of the facilities which has evolved through cloud accounting is the ability to raise invoices on a portable device; be it a mobile phone, tablet or laptop, and to submit these electronically to a customer whilst at their premises. Not only can the job be invoiced but payment…