Charity annual returns

5th July 2021

The charity annual return service is now available for 2021 and can be found on the link below.


Charities need to submit their annual return within 10 months of the financial year end.


Dependant on the level of income, the annual return has different requirements;

Income under £10,000

It is only the income and spending which needs to be reported.

Income between £10,000 and £25,000

Along with the above, there will also be questions to answer within the return. These will vary depending on the charity and will be available when logging into your charity commission account. A full list of these questions can be found on the above link.

Income over £25,000

Along with the above, a trustees annual report will need to be provided, as well as a set of accounts, which will require an independent examination.

Income over £1 million

Along with the above, a full audit will be required rather than an independent examination.


If, for any reason, a charity believes that it is unable to submit their annual return on time, an extension can be requested. This has to be requested before the deadline expires, and can be done by sending an email to the following address, including the charity name and charity registration number;


If you require any assistance with your Charity’s reporting requirements, such as financial statements, independent examinations or audits, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Disclaimer - All information in this post was correct at time of writing.
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