2019 marks the 21st Anniversary of National Payroll Week which is from 2 to 6 September 2019. National Payroll Week recognises and celebrates the importance of payroll in business and the UK economy. Not many people may know that there are 1.3 million employers in the UK and that Payroll is the largest expenditure…
The government has provided positive news for Company car drivers announcing that a pure electric vehicle (EV) will no longer pay benefit-in-kind (BIK) tax in 2020/21 following a review which looks set to boost sales of emissions-free cars. HM Treasury’s response to its review of the fallout from the roll-out of the Worldwide Harmonised Light…
A PAYE Settlement agreement allows employers to make one annual payment to cover the tax and National Insurance liability on minor, irregular or impracticable expenses for any employees. HMRC have now changed the process for PSAs and, instead of applying for a new PSA annually, from 2018-19 employers will have an enduring agreement and therefore…
Trivial benefits are exempt from income tax and Class 1A NIC and therefore not reportable on a P11D. With the P11D deadline of 6th July fast approaching, I thought now would be the perfect time to review exactly what criteria needs to be met in order to qualify as ‘trivial’. Benefits are exempt from tax…
MAPs are what you pay your employees for using their own vehicle for business journeys. You can pay your employees an approved amount of MAPs each year without having to report them to HMRC. To work out the approved amount, multiply your employee’s business travel miles for the year by the rate per mile for…
Further to the budget announcements at the end of October 2018, rate changes to the National Minimum Wage (NMW) have been confirmed for April 2019. These are in line with the recommendations that were made by the low pay commission. Year 25 and over 21 to 24 18 to 20 Under 18 Apprentice April 2018 (current rate) £7.83…
HMRC has issued the October 2018 Employer Bulletin which contains a number of articles relevant to employers on payroll related issues. The articles cover a number of areas including: clarification of the rules regarding paying employees when the regular payday is a non-banking day dealing with PAYE Settlement Agreements and new procedures to accommodate Scottish…
National Minimum Wage is set to increase from April 2019: £8.21 per hour for ages 25 and over £7.70 per hour for ages 21 to 24 £6.15 per hour for ages 18 to 20 £4.35 per hour for ages under 18 Apprentices are increasing to £3.90 per hour Tax Allowances increase from April 2019: Personal…
The UK Government has announced a six month extension on the closure of Childcare Voucher schemes, previously due to close to new members on 6 April 2018. This announcement comes in light of pressure from members of the public who signed a petition to prevent closure and also from the Labour Party who had…