ECJ Ruling: Holiday pay must be calculated based on all elements of normal earnings. A new case (British Gas v Lock) has confirmed that holiday pay calculations should take account of commission earnings as well as overtime. Mr. Lock, a salesman for British Gas received a basic salary plus commission on a results based. The commission element…
PAYE Codes: Starting to reflect new dividend tax rules. Ahead of the start of the 2016/17 tax year, HMRC have recently begun issuing updated PAYE coding notices, which will determine how much tax is deducted at source on income paid through the PAYE system. They have provided some general guidance here : In addition…
How do I keep my business records? Have you just started in business? Are you at the stage of wondering what bookkeeping records you should keep? The law states: “That if you have to send H M Revenue and Customs a tax return you must keep all records and documents you need to complete the…
Annual Tax on Enveloped Dwellings (ATED): Threshold reduced. The ATED charge applies to companies which own residential properties. On 1 April 2016, the lower threshold will be reduced from £1 million to £500,000. This will mean that many more companies will be caught within the ATED rules. The deadline for submission of the 2016/17 forms,…
Audit Exemption Turnover Threshold: Raised to £10.2m. The Government is to raise the audit exemption threshold to the maximum allowed under EU law. In a statement read out in parliament, Anna Soubry, minister for small business, industry and enterprise, said the decision had been made after considering responses to its discussion paper. Companies will not be required to…
Examining whether it is best to run the business as a limited company or otherwise (sole trader, partnership or LLP), If operated as a limited company: Looking at the combined business and personal tax ‘picture’ and optimising the mix of retained profits, salary, bonus and dividends (for the business owner and, where relevant, immediate family…
As the tax calculations below illustrate, based on the UK tax rates and thresholds for 2016/17 (ie applying the new dividend taxation rules), a limited company still results in a lower overall tax/NIC charge than a sole trader (allowing for the extra accountancy fees incurred through trading as a limited company), whilst profits are above…
2015: How was it for your business? As another calendar year passes, many SME’s will have also passed another financial year end. They will now therefore be assessing how growth was for them last year, and what budget they should set for 2016. Overall, local SME’s averaged growth of just 0.7% during 2015. They were…