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Taxes Under The New Government

We’re considering taxes under the new Government. Now that Labour have won the recent election, it is time to look at what this could mean for you and your taxes. Labour have committed to one major fiscal event a year in the hope that this will give businesses and individuals plenty of time to properly…

New Tax Year, New Rules For The Self Employed

From 6th April 2024 HMRC want to encourage more of the self employed to use the cash basis when completing their accounts and self-assessment tax returns.   The new cash basis from 6th April 2024 will mean: The cash basis will be the default, with an opt-out for those wishing to use the accruals basis.…

General Election: Tax Planning For SMEs?

With the upcoming General Election we are thinking about tax planning for SMEs.   The 4th July election day will be with us before we know it and many SME business owners are starting to think about whether they should undertake any protective actions. Especially if they think a change in government is looking likely.…

VAT Thresholds for Small Businesses

What has changed when it comes to VAT Thresholds for Small Businesses?   The Spring Budget this year introduced significant changes aimed at alleviating the administrative burden on small businesses in the UK. One of the key updates announced by Chancellor, Jeremy Hunt, was the increase in the VAT registration thresholds, effective from 1 April…

Latest HMRC ‘Nudge Letter’ Targets

The HMRC “Nudge Unit”, previously called the Behavioural Insights Team, was a department within the Cabinet Office that was tasked with improving government services and saving money by employing a blend of behavioural economics and psychology.  An example of this in practice is the so-called “nudge” letters (referred to by HMRC as ‘one-to-many’ letters) HMRC…

Beware of VAT refund fraud

Beware of VAT refund fraud!   We have become aware of several recent cases where taxpayers’ bank account details have been amended on the HMRC portal, without their knowledge, so that VAT repayments have been fraudulently diverted to a third party.   It seems that HMRC have been acting on the basis of a fraudulent…

Pension Contributions for directors

Are you thinking about planning ahead for retirement and want to find out more about Pension Contributions for directors?   When it comes to planning for your retirement, Company pension contributions can offer significant benefits in terms of reducing your company’s Corporation Tax bill. Here’s how you can use both personal and company contributions to…

Spring Budget 2024: For Businesses

Spring Budget 2024, a Budget to lower taxes and achieve higher growth.   The Chancellor has announced that there is good news for the economy, with the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) confirming that inflation is currently at 4% and is likely to reduce below the Governments target of 2% in the next few months.…

Double-cab pick-ups: End of the road?

*An update on this has since been posted. Click here to read the updated information.*     The tax treatment of double-cab pick-up trucks is set to change with effect from 1st July 2024, and will see the vehicles lose their status as ‘commercial vehicles’ when it comes to company car taxation. This could see…

Spring Budget Predictions

The Chancellor, Jeremy Hunt, has announced that the Spring Budget will take place on Wednesday 6 March 2024. This will be the Chancellor’s second budget and will include the government’s tax and spending plans as well as new growth and borrowing forecasts.   The Spring Budget could be followed by a general election in as…