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Annual Investment Allowance (AIA) – Maximising tax relief

The chance to take advantage of the generous temporary uplift in the AIA annual limit of £1,000,000 is coming to an end when it is due to revert to £200,000 from 1 January 2022.   It is a perfect time to plan to capitalise on claiming 100% tax relief on qualifying purchases without getting caught…

31st July: Can your tax payment be reduced?

Many taxpayers who are required to file a self-assessment tax return to HM Revenue & Customs should now be preparing for their next tax payment which is due by 31 July. The amount payable is the second payment-on-account for the 2020/21 tax year and is automatically calculated as half of the total tax liability for…

Accounts Basis Period Reform – Consultation

Under current rules, businesses draw up annual accounts to the same date each year. The profit/loss for the tax year is usually the profit/loss for the year to the accounting date – called the basis period.  Tax is paid on profits earned in the basis period ending in the tax year in question.   However,…

VAT deferral payment scheme deadline 21 June 2021

One of the ways government helped businesses in 2020 was to allow them to defer paying VAT liabilities due between March and June that year. Those taking advantage of this had until 31 March 2021 to pay. In September 2020, the Chancellor announced the VAT deferral payment scheme. Instead of paying in full by 31…

2019/20 NHS Pension Scheme Pay Election – what are the next steps?

It is widely known in the healthcare industry that NHS England announced last year they would make good any annual allowance excess charge arising for staff in 2019/20 only. This came off the back of the announcement that the thresholds for tapering to the annual allowance would be increased from 2020/21, with no intention to…

Holding residential lettings in a company

There has been an ongoing debate since the government started to reduce tax relief available on mortgage interest that having property in a company could be more beneficial.   In order to transfer the property from personal ownership there could be a CGT charge depending on the difference in value from when you bought it…

Budget 2021: Super Capital Allowances

In what was seen my many as a Budget lacking in ideas to kick start the economy back into life, Rishi Sunak’s announcement of a notional 30% uplift to eligible capital allowances headlined as the proverbial ‘rabbit out of the hat’. The tweaked allowances will give businesses purchasing brand new plant and machinery more tax…

VAT payments deferred due to Coronavirus

If, due to Coronavirus, your business deferred VAT payments due between 20 March and 30 June 2020 and you still have payments to make, you can: pay the deferred VAT in full, on or before 31 March 2021, join the VAT deferral new payment scheme – the online service is open between 23 February and…

Is DISS about to appear!

A Directors Income Support Scheme (DISS) is being recommended by a consortium of professional bodies to the Government.   The proposal would see this running along the same parameters as the Self-Employed Income Support Scheme (SEISS), updated details of which are now emerging from HMRC. Under the SEISS scheme sole traders and partners of partnership…

Deferral of VAT payments

At the start of the pandemic, HMRC allowed businesses with a VAT liability falling due between 20 March and 30 June 2020 to defer their payment. Over half a million businesses benefitted from the measure, deferring more than £28 billion in VAT payments.   Originally, businesses were required to pay the deferred VAT in full…