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Scaling With Xero: Discovering The Potential

Stephen Malkin (Partner, Kings Lynn) and I, Ben Burtenshaw (Manager, St Ives), learnt about scaling with Xero and the options available to rapidly growing SMEs during our recent visit Xero’s offices in Milton Keynes.   App partners Mayday and Joiin were both in attendance and gave talks and demos on their software as well as…

Whitings Student Training Morning

On 18 September we invited all of our members of staff who will be studying this year to join us at our Ely Office for our Annual Student Training Morning.   What Did The Training Morning Consist Of? The morning started with an introduction from Chris Ridgeon, Chairman of the firm, who talked about his…

Annual Whitings LLP Golf Day 2024

The annual Whitings Golf Day 2024 was held on Friday 20 September at Lakeside Lodge Golf & Country Club in Pidley.   There was a good mix of old and new faces present among the 16 competitors on the day. There were also a wide variety of handicaps on display, ranging from 4 to 28.…

What VAT on purchases cannot be reclaimed?

Do you know what VAT on purchases cannot be reclaimed? Most input tax incurred by VAT registered businesses can be recovered, however, there is some input tax that may not be.   A list of those areas where input VAT could be blocked is below: Where no or incorrect supporting evidence held Input tax relating…

Pre-Budget Tax Planning Ideas

We share our pre-Budget tax planning ideas, as the first Labour Budget is now only 5 weeks away (30th October). There is currently a lot of speculation of adverse tax changes that the business community and private tax clients should expect. Unfortunately, we have no inside knowledge of what Rachel Reeves will say. However, as…

Inheritance Tax Trap: Don’t Get Caught Out!

Has the Inheritance Tax Trap caught you out?   Inheritance Tax (IHT) receipts continue to rise. There may be some who have unnecessarily overpaid due to life insurance not being in a Trust. According to NFU Mutual, 6,810 estates that paid IHT in 2021/22 included life insurance policies which could be exempt from the charge…

Cyber Threats: Protecting Your Organisation

Protecting your organisation from cyber threats is more critical than ever in today’s digital age.   One of the most effective ways to protect your organisation from cyber threats is through comprehensive end-user training. Decisive IT  is Whitings LLP’s IT consulting and support subsidiary and we offer an end-user cybersecurity training service. This provides a…

Thetford Golf Club Captains Day & Junior Open Success

Thetford Golf Club held their Captains Day on 6th July 2024 and their Junior Open on 2nd August and we were proud sponsors of the events. We love getting involved with the local community. Sponsoring both the Junior Open and Captains Day was another great opportunity for us to support our local club.   Despite…

Work Experience at Whitings LLP

It’s the time of year when we invite local students to join us for work experience at Whitings LLP. We welcomed the wonderful James and Chloe from MCA6 to our Mildenhall office, to discover what it is like working here.     Here’s the bit you want to know. This is what they thought of…

New Tax Year, New Rules For The Self Employed

From 6th April 2024 HMRC want to encourage more of the self employed to use the cash basis when completing their accounts and self-assessment tax returns.   The new cash basis from 6th April 2024 will mean: The cash basis will be the default, with an opt-out for those wishing to use the accruals basis.…