Latest National Insurance Contributions

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Employment Allowance Reform

The Employer Allowance was first introduced in April 2014, giving employers a reduction of £2,000 against their Employer’s NIC bill.   This was further increased in value from April 2016 to £3,000 and in addition the scheme was reformed to exclude single-director companies.   It has remained at £3,000 ever since and is claimed via…

Class 2 National Insurance – HMRC’s ongoing issues

July 2015 saw the end of direct debit collection for Class 2 National Insurance. Contributions are now collected through self-assessment and, despite there being 4 years since the change in the way payments are made, HMRC are still having teething problems. The issues arise as HMRC are running two computer systems side by side: national…

Employer allowance – is it worth the hassle?

The £3000.00 employer allowance ceases at the end of the current tax year. From April 2020 employers will have to re-apply for a di minimis state aid based allowance.   A new HMRC checklist will have to completed to declare the following;   NIC contributions in the previous tax year were beneath £100,000; Confirmation that…

National Payroll Week – Keeping the UK Paid

2019 marks the 21st Anniversary of National Payroll Week which is from 2 to 6 September 2019.   National Payroll Week recognises and celebrates the importance of payroll in business and the UK economy.  Not many people may know that there are 1.3 million employers in the UK and that Payroll is the largest expenditure…

PAYE Settlement Agreement Deadline – 6 July 2019

A PAYE Settlement agreement allows employers to make one annual payment to cover the tax and National Insurance liability on minor, irregular or impracticable expenses for any employees. HMRC have now changed the process for PSAs and, instead of applying for a new PSA annually, from 2018-19 employers will have an enduring agreement and therefore…

Increasing publicity over IR35

In the run up to the Autumn Budget, where it is widely speculated the Government will clamp down on IR35 in the private sector, barely a week goes by without another IR35 case being in the news. Employment tribunal claims are increasingly being launched by those caught by the IR35 reforms of the public sector.…

Further move towards dealing with HMRC electronically

HMRC have for some time been keen for taxpayers to make their tax payments electronically.  They have recently updated their guidance to show that from 15 December 2017 it will no longer be possible for taxpayers to pay self-assessment tax, or in fact any other type of tax, directly at the Post Office.   This…

State Pension Entitlement

Voluntary Payment of Class 2 NIC by Self-Employed: Protect your state pension ? Self-employed individuals and Partners in trading Partnerships now pay class 2 national insurance contributions annually on 31st January following the end of the tax year through their Self-Assessment Return. Prior to 5th April 2015 those on low incomes had to pay Class…

International Payrolls

The NIC regulations have been updated to provide clarity for employers whose employees work abroad. The amendment made confirms that several categories of expenses are not liable to Class 1A NIC, specifically:

  1. travel between employments where duties performed abroad
  2. travel costs and expenses where duties performed abroad: earner’s travel
  3. travel costs and expenses where duties performed abroad: visiting spouse’s/civil partner’s or child’s travel
  4. foreign accommodation and subsistence costs and expenses for overseas employments

Tax Efficient Remuneration

Examining whether it is best to run the business as a limited company or otherwise (sole trader, partnership or LLP), If operated as a limited company: Looking at the combined business and personal tax ‘picture’ and optimising the mix of retained profits, salary, bonus and dividends (for the business owner and, where relevant, immediate family…