Kickstart Scheme

8th October 2021

Kickstart Scheme

Did you know there is a grant available from the Government to hire young people for 6-month placements?

  • It provides funding to employers to create jobs for 16- to 24-year-olds on Universal Credit.
  • The Kickstart Scheme covers 100% of National Minimum Wage and offers six-month jobs for 25 hours per week for young people aged 16 to 24 years old who are currently claiming Universal Credit and are at risk of long-term unemployment. Not only will you have a young person working for you, funded by the Government, but you will also be supporting them to develop transferable skills that are aimed at increasing their chances of sustained employment.
  • You have until 17th December 2021 to apply
  • For more information on the scheme and how to apply follow the link below:


Apprentice Incentive Payments

Did you know 2!  You can apply for a payment of £3,000 for new apprentices of any age who have an employment start date of 1st April 2021 to 30th September 2021.  They must have an apprenticeship start dare of 1st April 2021 to 30th November 2021.

The payment is different to apprenticeship levy funds, so you can spend it on anything to support your organisation’s costs. For example, on uniforms, your apprentice’s travel or their salary. You do not have to pay it back.

To receive the payment, you must submit an application for each eligible apprentice using your apprenticeship service account

apprenticeship service account.


Disclaimer - All information in this post was correct at time of writing.
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