Overnight Sweeping
3rd March 2017Businesses and individuals with spare cash balances can maximise the interest earned on these sums by instructing their bankers to perform automatic overnight sweeping transfers between their current and deposit accounts.
High street banks have traditionally offered low or even nil rates of interest on current accounts. It has therefore always been a fundamental cash management principle to keep all surplus cash in a deposit account, where the maximum rate of interest can be earned. This task used to require a high degree of manual input, to check and instruct bankers accordingly. In today’s computerised world, it is an obvious use of modern technology for this service to be automatically undertaken daily by the bank, without any customer input.
The banks have not been forward in advertising overnight sweeping and, even when requested to implement such a facility, have been known to try and dissuade customers. Despite the increased charges they make from providing this service, they are only too aware that what is good for the customers, by default, must be bad for them.