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Invitation: Whitings Farming Seminar

We are pleased to announce that our Annual Farming Seminar this year will be held virtually, on 3rd November 2021 at 10.30am.   This is in collaboration with Sebastien Mallet, CEO of ODA UK. Agenda 10-30   Welcome from Chairman, Andrew Band 10-45   Sebastien Mallet, ODA – UK & World grain and oilseeds price perspective for…

Potato store tribunal ruling

In 2019 the first tier tribunal ruled in a case concerning a grain store that the entire structure qualified as plant and consequently gave rise to a capital allowance claim, by reason of it being a silo. As a consequences of this decision there have been a number of claims for capital allowances both in…

DEFRA’s Lump Sum Exit Scheme

DEFRA have now issued the consultation document regarding the lump sum payment for exiting agriculture. Having listened to the NFU webinar concerning this it seems to me that the lump sum, whilst being attractive from a cash flow perspective, has little else too recommend it. Clearly we have a lot more to learn and in…

I hear a rumour…

I hear a rumour that Lloyds Agricultural banking team based in Edinburgh has been disbanded and merged within other teams around the country. Although some within the new regional teams may have some knowledge of agriculture it has been suggested that customers felt that this was not important. It seems that the agricultural specialism within…

Don’t miss the deadline for applying for Countryside Stewardship Schemes

With the reduction of the Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) starting in 2021, many farmers may be looking to other income streams to bolster their finances.   If this is you, then don’t delay looking into and applying for Countryside Stewardship Schemes (CSS). The window is open now for applications for schemes beginning on 1 January…

Budget 2021: Super Capital Allowances

In what was seen my many as a Budget lacking in ideas to kick start the economy back into life, Rishi Sunak’s announcement of a notional 30% uplift to eligible capital allowances headlined as the proverbial ‘rabbit out of the hat’. The tweaked allowances will give businesses purchasing brand new plant and machinery more tax…

Farming Update: Winter Newsletter

Whitings Farming Group publish their half yearly commentary on what’s topical in the agriculture sector: Click Here (for edition 17) Blog Entry by: James Cater

Agriculture Act 2020 – Changes to subsidies for agriculture

Following the publication of the Agriculture Act 2020 it is now clearer how subsidies to agriculture are going to change, with the first predominant feature being the running down of the Single Farm Payment regime. For farmers in parts of Norfolk and Suffolk there is opportunity to tender to participate in a £320,000 project to…

New Version: KEYPrime Version 9.5

If you use the rural business software KEYPrime from Landmark Systems, look out for the new version of the software 9.5. What are some of the new features?   Batch Entry – A faster way to enter data New and improved – Diary function Store Web links to documentation (View documents saved to Auto-entry, Receipt…

Planned Large CapEx? HMRC extend Annual Investment Allowance

Those businesses that have large capital expenditure spends each year, such as manufacturers and farmers, will be aware that there has been a very generous capital allowances tax regime in recent years, currently allowing year 1 tax relief on eligible purchases up to £1m pa. This generosity was scheduled to be reduced wef 1 January…