The administration of a deceased relative’s finances and estate is, both, unfamiliar to most people and it comes at a time when you least want to learn a new process from scratch.
We offer a range of services that can help:
- One of our Partners acting, in a personal capacity ,as an Executor named within a Will,
- Assisting with obtaining Probate and the administrative necessities of valuing assets and changing ownership details,
- Advising on, and calculating, any inheritance tax due,
- Preparing and submitting to HMRC personal tax returns up to the date of death, for during the period of administration and for any trusts created by the Will,
Considering whether a Deed of Family Arrangement would be a more acceptable (both from a practical and inheritance tax perspective) estate distribution than that detailed in the Will.
Instruct us to administer your relative’s estate and we shall unburden you of the worry and workload of correctly complying with the law and their specific wishes. This will be the last service we provide to some clients, and we shall deliver it in the professional and trusted manner that they came to expect when we looked after their previous tax and financial affairs.