Probate: We can help

We understand the loss of a loved one is a stressful and difficult time. If you find yourself in the unfortunate position of having to complete a probate application we can assist and support you through the process.
Since 2015 Whitings LLP has been licenced to deal with non-contentious probate and we are undertaking more work to assist executors, especially as the number of estates that have an Inheritance Tax liability increases with the freezing of thresholds.
We can undertake whatever executors feel is required, from simple probate applications, filing relevant forms through to full administration of estates, in some cases acting as executors. We can also assist with the Inheritance Tax forms and calculation of the liability, if required.
We can also assist by starting early with periodically reviewing a will in conjunction with tax planning opportunities to ensure the will is structured to focus on your current and future needs, whilst being aware of potential Inheritance Tax implications. Having an awareness of your financial position over a period of time, and ensuring your will is adequate, can make the probate process smoother. Also ensuring your wishes are carried out.
Please discuss your Will and Inheritance Tax planning opportunities regularly with your usual Whitings contact. If you require assistance with probate please do contact one of our probate specialists, further information can be found here
Disclaimer - All information in this post was correct at time of writing.