Latest Tax Enquiry and Investigation Service

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Do I Need To Pay Tax When Selling Unwanted Items Online?

Wondering whether there is tax on selling that unwanted jumper from Granny? HMRC continue their focus on targeting areas where they believe more tax can be collected. Their latest campaign is looking at individuals who sell a high value of unwanted items online and checking that such activities are disclosed and taxed as a trade,…

Post Budget Lunch & Learn: With Our Tax Experts

We share a behind the scenes glimpse into what we discussed at our recent Lunch & Learn with our tax experts!   Training is not only attending events or watching webinars. We make our training practical and share our experiences around the firm through our Lunch and Learn sessions.   Our most recent session starred…

Selling On Digital Platforms: Don’t Get Caught Out

From January 2024 digital platforms like eBay, Vinted, Etsy and Airbnb will have to collect seller data and send onto HMRC.   Do you sell items on these digital platforms? If you are one of the many who sell on digital platforms such as eBay, Vinted, Airbnb and Etsy then be warned that from 1…

Airbnb hand over ‘goldmine’ of hosts’ data to HMRC. Are you at risk?

Airbnb has been forced to share users’ income details with HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) according to widespread reports in the press. It is part of a crackdown on holiday let owners who fail to declare their incomes and to help HMRC identify people who owe tax. If you have not already declared any rental…

Crypto currency does not need to be cryptic!

What exactly is cryptocurrency? Cryptocurrency (crypto) is a form of decentralised digital currency.  Although there is no central issuing and regulating authority like with traditional currencies like GBP or USD, there are still taxes on crypto in the UK. Crypto assets like Bitcoin and Ethereum have always been popular with investors and tech enthusiasts, but…

Tax traps: Beware

With the UK tax system as complicated as ever, there are certain rules which we come across that can very easily give a particularly unexpected (and unpleasant) consequence. Income Tax When either parent has taxable earnings over £50k (after personal pension contributions), entitlement to child benefit is reduced. As higher rate income tax starts at…

R&D tax relief : HMRC enquiries are on the rise

As HMRC have experienced an increase in the number of SME Research & Development (R&D) tax relief claims being made by companies, so have they witnessed a number of fraudulent claims being made. To tackle this abuse, HMRC have established a tax credit compliance team to deal with R&D enquiries.   If a company receives…

Tax Enquiry and Investigation Service Cover

As I am sure we are all aware HMRC are able to open investigations into the accuracy of tax returns, VAT returns, payroll, etc via targeted, or random, tax enquiries. With an ever increasing budget deficit I fully expect HMRC to raise more enquiries this year to increase tax revenues. You will want to be…

Cashflow and the payment of tax

It has recently been reported that the tax debt owing to HMRC as at 30 September 2022 stands at £46.9 million, and they are taking positive action to recover this from both individuals and business.   The profession has certainly seen a much more proactive approach from HMRC, and given the financial pressures on all,…

Enquiry letters from HMRC

HMRC have the right to enquire into any type of tax return, with common areas of investigation being self-assessment tax returns, corporation tax returns, PAYE submissions, and VAT returns.   Some enquires are carried out at random, but the majority are selected by way of risk assessment. HMRC have a sophisticated risk assessment computer system,…