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SSP Rebate Scheme closes 30 September 2021!

Normal Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) can be paid to your employees from the fourth day they are absent from work if they meet the following criteria: They are classed as an employee and have done some work for you Earn an average of at least £120 per week Have been ill for at least 4…

Payroll – Earlier Year Updates

Previously if you submitted an error on your payroll to HMRC in an earlier tax year and you noticed the error by 19th April following that tax year, you could amend your payroll records and submit an adjustment (FPS adjustment).   If you noticed the error after 19th April, you would submit an Earlier Year…

New NI Codes for Freeports

In case you thought the NI coding system was becoming too easy to follow, HMRC have announced 4 more NI codes in order to comply with the new regulations, starting in April 2022, for those companies trading within one of the newly established Freeport areas.   F – standard category letter I – married women…

National Insurance holiday for employers hiring veterans

Following an announcement by the government in 2020, from April 2021 employers hiring former members of the UK armed forces will be exempted from any NI contributions liability on the veteran’s salary up to the Upper Secondary Threshold (UST) in the first twelve months of their employment. However, under current guidelines relief for the 2021-22…

Changes to Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (Furlough) from July 2021

As you will know by now, in the budget speech of 3rd March 2021, the government announced the extension of the current furlough scheme until September 2021. Further guidance has now been issued as to how the scheme will operate.   Firstly, for periods starting after 1st May, you can claim furlough for any employee,…

The Benefits of Outsourcing Payroll

As chartered accountants, with over 90 years’ experience in the finance industry, outsourcing the payroll, to us, is something all businesses should consider.  Running a payroll is very time consuming so let someone else take the burden from you, here are the top 5 great reasons for outsourcing your payroll: COST Time is quite literally…

Job Retention Bonus (JRS)

HMRC have announced more details on the Job Retention Bonus scheme they set forth in July. The JRS allows an employer to claim a one-off payment of £1000 per employee furloughed and claimed for through the CJRS and kept employed until at least 31st January. This money is to be paid to the employer and…

New Covid-19 Fines for Employers

From 28th September 2020 new regulations came into force whereby employers could face fines of up to £10,000 if they knowingly allow an employee to work when they should be self-isolating.   Where an employee resides with someone who has tested positive, or they themselves have tested positive, they are required by law to self-isolate…

HMRC Job Support Scheme (JSS)

On 24th September the government announced the launching in November of the Job Support Scheme to replace the existing Furlough Scheme that is feted to end on 31st October. The JSS is to run from 1st November through to 30th April, but initial rules may be amended after three months.   To qualify for the…

Redundancy Pay & Payment in Lieu of Notice (PILON)

HMRC have introduced legislation which ensures employee’s statutory rights, including redundancy pay and payment in lieu on notice (PILON), are based on an employee’s normal pay and not their furlough pay.   Redundancy pay   An employee is entitled to redundancy pay if they have been working for their current employer for 2 years or…