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Guidance for employers

HMRC have issued their latest guidance to employers in the August edition of the Employer Bulletin. This publication, which is issued every two months, includes articles on: Reporting Pay As You Earn in real time Optional Remuneration Arrangements Tax codes – Get it right first time PAYE penalties – continuation of the risk-based approach to charging penalties…

Taylor Review of employment practices

  The long awaited Taylor Review of employment practices suggests that a national strategy is needed to help provide security in such areas as wages, quality of employment, education and training, working conditions, work life balance and the ability to progress at work. One of the areas of focus relates to the ‘gig’ economy, with…

Automatic enrolment reaches 8 million

  The Pensions Regulator (TPR) has confirmed than eight million employees have signed up for a workplace pension since the launch of automatic enrolment. The introduction of automatic enrolment was expected to lead to around eight million workers saving more for their retirement and this milestone has already been reached with hundreds of thousands more…

Auto Enrolment Duties from October 2017

New employers after 1 October 2017 will not have a staging date. If you become an employer for the first time on or after 1 October 2017, you will immediately have legal duties with regards to Auto Enrolment. These duties apply from the first day the first member of staff starts working for you. This is…

Latest guidance for employers

HMRC have issued the latest version of the Employer Bulletin. This edition has articles on a number of issues including: P11D and P11D(b) filing and payment deadlines Paying the right amount of tax through PAYE Construction industry scheme repayment claims for limited companies The Apprenticeship Levy and funding of apprenticeship training Tax-free childcare rollout including…

Holiday entitlement

Now is the time of year when many of us turn our thoughts to holidays and it is important to get holiday entitlement and holiday pay right. The June 2017 acas newsletter includes links to useful guidance on calculating holiday and holiday pay entitlements as well as guidance on hot weather working. The GOV.UK website…

Employment Related Securities return deadline

HMRC are advising that there have been technical issues with their Employment Related Securities (ERS) annual returns online service. Employers have to complete returns for any schemes that have been registered on the ERS online service, such as Enterprise Management Incentives (EMI), a non-tax advantaged scheme or award, Company Share Option Plan, Save As You…

Complying with the National Minimum Wage

HMRC recently published a list of excuses used by employers for not paying workers the National Minimum Wage: The employee wasn’t a good worker so I didn’t think they deserved to be paid the National Minimum Wage I thought it was ok to pay foreign workers below the National Minimum Wage as they aren’t British…

Payroll Update: Mar-17

The team at Whitings payroll bureau have produced their latest newsletter, to keep clients updated on relevant recent changes to payroll and related legislation: Edition 6 – March 2017 Blog entry by: Julie Quayle.

Mobile Workers

Employers with internationally mobile employees: New NIC rules. The NIC regulations have been updated to provide clarity for employers whose employees work abroad. The amendment made confirms that several categories of expenses are not liable to Class 1A NIC, specifically: travel between employments where duties performed abroad travel costs and expenses where duties performed abroad:…