Cambs LEP: Current loans and grants on offer. The Greater Cambridge Greater Peterborough Local Enterprise Partnership is the Government’s flagship vehicle to stimulate economic growth in our area. Grants and loans currently on offer include: Signpost 2 Loans: Loans of between £50k and £1m to SME’s for start-up and growth (Inc: CapEx, infrastructure, training and…
Modern Slavery Act 2015: New disclosure requirements for large businesses. From accounting periods ending after 31 March 2016, under the Modern Slavery Act 2015, commercial businesses with a turnover of at least £36m which are either incorporated in the UK or carry on a business in the UK are required to publish a statement, on…
SME Growth: Will BREXIT spoil the party? SME’s are generally focused on growing the sales side of their business, to improve bottom line profitability. Having bounced back from the double-dip recession, then flat-lining for a couple of years, it looked like proper growth had once again returned to our local businesses: (Source Data) And then came…
Apprenticeships: Latest Developments. With apprenticeships increasing in popularity and offering a vocational alternative to full-time education the government has announced its latest developments to its scheme to ensure that employers are more involved in the whole process from recruitment, funding, training and appraisal of the apprentice, the aim to ensure that industry receives the candidates…
Business Grants: For East Anglian SME’s. Growing Business Fund– grants of up to £500,000 for companies that are expanding and creating jobs. BEE Anglia (Business Energy Efficiency) – provides grants of up to £20,000 at an average of 28% intervention rate to implement next-phase technology to reduce carbon emissions or save costs. The Employer Training Incentive…
Abbreviated Accounts RIP: So what next ? For accounting periods commencing on or after 1-Jan-16 SME companies will no longer be able to file abbreviated accounts on the public record at Companies House. Instead, they will have to choose from: Full accounts, Filleted accounts (full accounts minus the Directors Report and Profit & Loss Account…
Business Acquisition: Whitings help client buy-out a competitor. Whiting & Partners, the CFN’s representative in Suffolk, has successfully advised a pest control business on its acquisition of a key competitor. The owners of the acquisitive pest control business approached us. The company was contacted by a competitor, who wanted to retire and wondered if they…
Business Credit Rating: Poor rating hurting your business? If there is one positive that has come out of the UK’s double-dip recession, then it is reminding businesses of how important their credit rating is. In many sectors, both suppliers and customers have now re-engineered their processes to routinely look at a company’s credit ratings. Within the UK,…