While you may be pleased that the value of your home is increasing, it may also mean that you need to consider the effect that the increased value may have on Inheritance Tax. The number of people being caught by Inheritance Tax has increased by over 35% within the last year, mainly due to…
The extended 31 March 2022 deadline for NHS Doctors to submit their scheme pays elections and compensation policy applications for the 2019/20 tax year is fast approaching. For those NHS Doctors that suffered an annual allowance pension tax charge in the 2019/20 tax year had the option to either pay the charge directly to…
With the next personal tax year end just around the corner, make sure you use all the allowances and reliefs available to you: Income Tax Consider bringing forward income (salary or dividends) to before 5 April 2022, to avoid the 1¼% increases in NIC and dividend income tax rates. Use annual relief for pension contributions. …
From April 2023, the government will be tightening up the rules in England where currently some landlords do not pay either business rates or council tax on their furnished holiday lets. In most cases, however, landlords will want to be assessed for business rates in the hope of qualifying for small business rates relief (SBRR),…
If you operate a trade through a limited company, and your ‘numbers’ are big enough, then there are some scenarios where it is often best advice to insert a parent company above this trading company, to create a simple group structure: As a risk management measure, to enable valuable assets (eg business premises, investment property,…
Businesses may be hoping they can hold their annual Christmas parties this month. Providing the event is annual, open to all employees and the total cost, including VAT, is less than £150 per person (including non employee guest attendees), this will be a non-taxable benefit in kind (ie free of PAYE tax and National Insurance…
For those clients that prepare self-assessment personal tax returns, 31 January is usually tax payment day. This tax will primarily be based on your personal income for the tax year ended 5 April 2022, potentially made up of 2 components: The balancing payment for 2021/22 (total 2021/22 tax less 31-Jan-22 and 31-Jul-22 payments on account).…
For those clients that prepare self-assessment personal tax returns, 31 January is usually tax payment day. This tax will primarily be based on your personal income for the tax year ended 5 April 2022, potentially made up of 2 components: The balancing payment for 2021/22 (total 2021/22 tax less 31-Jan-22 and 31-Jul-22 payments on account).…
A tax tribunal has made a landmark ruling against HMRC, by declaring that the construction taxpayer (Quinn) was validly entitled to claim SME research and development (R&D) tax relief totalling approximately £1m, even though this work was specifically undertaken to order for a customer, which would normally mean the ‘subsidised’ rule would prohibit eligibility under…
As Benjamin Franklin once said; the only two certainties in life are death and taxes. Although it’s a sombre subject, it is important to put in place the right planning so that when we are hit by one, we can avoid the other. We want to ensure we are able to leave as much of…