HMRC will raise interest rates on tax debt from 11 October following the 0.5% increase in the base rate. This means that the late payment interest rate will increase to 4.75% from 11 October 2022. The rate last increased to 4.25% on 23 August. This is the highest rate since the height of the financial crisis…
For around the last 20 years or so, the tax treatment of company cars has continually become less attractive. The value of the benefits in kind, taxable on the employee, has increased quicker than inflation, and the capital allowance tax deduction, for the business, has become more and more diluted. As part of its plans…
Tax planning is not often at the top of the to-do list when a couple are separating, however, the timing of asset transfers can make a huge difference for tax purposes. The rules as things stand Married couples and civil partners can transfer chargeable assets between them without incurring capital gains tax…
Where an individual shareholder wishes to exit (through retirement or due to different views on how the business should be run) a multi-shareholder unquoted company, for cash consideration, a purchase of own shares (PoS) is often a good solution. By the company funding this share buy-back, this cost is not from ‘after personal tax’ monies…
There are a few important dates coming over the next couple of years affecting individual taxpayers, who will be seeing changes to the tax they pay, and how they are required to send returns to HMRC. 6 July 2022 – Increase in National Insurance thresholds The income threshold at which employees and the self-employed…
Time is running out for taxpayers to settle any second payment-on-account for the 2021/22 tax year. The payment is due by 31 July, where one is payable. The amount payable is the second payment-on-account for the 2021/22 tax year and is automatically calculated as half of the total tax liability for the previous tax year,…
From the 2024/25 tax year, HMRC are looking to tax profits of unincorporated businesses on a tax year basis, rather than on the accounting year (or period) basis, effectively removing the current basis period rules. Therefore, any unincorporated businesses without a 31 March or 5 April year end will be affected by these changes.…
HMRC police the tax system by investigating the accuracy of tax returns, VAT returns, payroll, etc via targeted, or random, tax enquiries. With a budget deficit of over £355 billion we fully expect HMRC to raise more enquiries this year to increase tax revenues. You will want to be in a position to ensure that…