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Bury St. Edmunds and Mildenhall clients attend latest MTD Seminar

Friday evening saw the next in our series of MTD seminars, held at our Bury St. Edmunds office, where we had a full turnout. We explained to clients the implication of  MTD that launches for VAT registered business over the VAT threshold starting in April 2019 and how the changes would directly affect them, as…

Ely clients attend latest MTD Seminar

Monday evening saw the third of our MTD seminars, held at our Ely office. Having sold out very quickly, we had a full turnout. We explained to clients what MTD was and how the changes would directly affect them, as well as talking through the benefits of changing to digital accounting records. Following the presentation…

Making Tax Digital – Time to run your business differently?

  So you have been successfully running your business for a number of years and now HMRC have introduced a making tax digital initiative which is going to change how you do things for the future.   You are now expected to start keeping digital records of your accounts, so what is the next step…

Making Tax Digital Seminar Two – St Ives

       Our second MTD seminar was in St Ives at the Slepe Hall Hotel on Thursday 12th April. Which was a much more convivial venue. A smaller group meant more personal conversations with our clients and we were able to give a number of clients the time they needed to fully understand the next steps for…

Making Tax Digital ‘Roadshow’ – Huntingdon

We have begun the first of eight seminars discussing the preparation needed for making tax digital. Our first seminar kicked off in Huntingdon at the Marriott hotel and was a great success. With around 30 people attending we explained to clients what making tax digital was, how it was going to effect them and more…

The Journey That Is MTD

  It is great to see W&P continuing to actively communicate the requirements and challenges of MTD to clients and prospective clients, and this proactive stance should continue throughout the transition to MTD and beyond. The greatest challenge for us in this communication process is the ‘clarity of the message’ we deliver.  What does this…

MTD is coming

If your turnover is over £85k and you are VAT registered, you now have just over twelve months to ensure you are using HMRC approved accounting software to be able to be able to submit your VAT return. HMRC’s timeline is now as follows:  

Reminder for all companies ahead of MTD

  The MTD machine is moving along and the starting date of April 2019 draws ever closer and closer.  We have been working with our clients to ensure that those VAT registered (in particular) with a turnover over the VAT threshold are implementing any changes required sooner rather than later so that any teething problems can…

HMRC no longer accepting credit card payments – January 2018

  HMRC have advised that from 13 January 2018, they will no longer be accepting payments from personal credit cards. HMRC have accepted credit card payments from individuals, but from 13 January 2018, this method of payment will no longer be available. A change in EU law, prohibits merchants (including HMRC) from recharging credit card…

Making Tax Digital – will free software be available?

  When Making Tax Digital (MTD) was first announced, HM Revenue & Customs said that free software would be available for the most straightforward small businesses.  Under MTD records of business income and expenses will be required to be kept digitally using a software product or app.   HMRC have since provided clarification on which…