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Work Experience at Whitings LLP

It’s the time of year when we invite local students to join us for work experience at Whitings LLP. We welcomed the wonderful James and Chloe from MCA6 to our Mildenhall office, to discover what it is like working here.     Here’s the bit you want to know. This is what they thought of…

New Tax Year, New Rules For The Self Employed

From 6th April 2024 HMRC want to encourage more of the self employed to use the cash basis when completing their accounts and self-assessment tax returns.   The new cash basis from 6th April 2024 will mean: The cash basis will be the default, with an opt-out for those wishing to use the accruals basis.…

General Election: Tax Planning For SMEs?

With the upcoming General Election we are thinking about tax planning for SMEs.   The 4th July election day will be with us before we know it and many SME business owners are starting to think about whether they should undertake any protective actions. Especially if they think a change in government is looking likely.…

Xerocon London 2024: The Debrief

Members of our team are now back from an exciting couple of days at Xerocon London 2024. We can’t wait to hear all about what they’ve learnt about whilst they were there, including upcoming product launches!   Stephen Malkin, Ben Burtenshaw, Dan Walker, Peter Brown & Emily Haines attended Xerocon. They found that the main…

Should I be a Sole Trader or a Limited Company?

It’s the question which many start ups ask themselves, ‘Should I be a Sole Trader or a Limited Company?’   It’s something that we here at Whitings are more than happy to advise on and help you with. So whether this is your first business venture or you’ve had businesses before, it’s always helpful to…

DemCom win 2024 Ely SME Business Awards

Last night saw the gala awards presentation evening for the 2024 SME Ely Business Awards.   Local businesses were eligible to enter 16 categories, to celebrate excellence and success within the Ely business community. Whitings have been headline sponsors of the event since 2017 and the leadership team from our Ely office dressed for the…

Team from Ely office win 2024 Whitings quiz

Well there we are, the quiz of the year is over and ‘The Ely 5’ won for 2024 finishing with a whopping 64 points. They played their joker card at the right time and rightfully won the night We look forward to seeing the trophy proudly displayed in our Ely office (keep an eye out…

Happy Easter !!

If anyone local to our offices finds that their supermarkets are low on #EasterEggs, it definitely wasn’t us 🤫 It’s a little-known fact that accountants are actually fuelled by chocolate at this time of year, so we thought it was only right to get a ‘few’ Easter eggs in before the Easter break (we’ll be back…

Making Tax Digital for Income Tax coming soon

Making Tax Digital for Income Tax will soon be upon us.   Over the past few years’ rents have been increasing and will continue to increase as inflation remains high. Many landlords will now be affected or will be coming close to the qualifying limits. With April 2026 fast approaching for those with qualifying income…

Spring Budget 2024: For Individuals

Let’s look at the 2024 Spring Budget for individuals. With the next general election on the horizon, Jeremy Hunt had no choice but to deliver an impactful Budget. Here is a summary of the main changes affecting individuals:   Class 1 National Insurance A fresh cut to primary Class 1 National Insurance contributions for employees from…