Fenland Enterprise Business Awards

5th June 2017

Entries are now open for the Fenland Enterprise Business Awards 2017. With 12 awards up for grabs local companies have the chance to be recognised for their success as well as celebrate their achievements in 2016-17.

Whiting & Partners is continuing its support for this important annual event in 2016 by sponsoring the Business of the Year Award. Founding sponsors nine years ago, they believe the event stimulates local growth and reflects the progress of businesses as they evolve.

Among the oldest independent firms of chartered accountants and business advisers in East Anglia, Whiting & Partners was formed to meet the needs of the farming communities of March and Wisbech. It too has evolved over nearly 90-years. Thirteen partners, four associates and nearly 130 staff in 10 key market towns across the region support clients the length and breadth of the UK as well as overseas.

Companies can enter up to three categories in the awards and all shortlisted entrants will be invited to the awards ceremony held on Friday 22 September 2017 where around 200 of the Fenland’s leading business leaders will gather to celebrate.

For further information and details on how to enter please visit: http://www.fenlandbusinessawards.co.uk/

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